Wednesday, January 28, 2009

What smells?

While waiting for the collection of the pizzas, Br Ekbertus decided to use the waiting time to take me around KK. Originally, we intended to visit the museum, but almost every 5 minutes, I would see something interesting that required a pit stop.

One of these stops is at a place called Sembulan. Known as the slump of KK, what caught my immediate attention was the smell of the place. The shanty cluster of about what seemed to be about a hundred plus homes built over a moss-infested river filled with refuse. Imagine the stench of everything rotting away!

I seized the opportunity to capture a little of the area before it goes. Good thing that within this year, the government is planning to resettle all inhabitants.

More images up loaded on

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Happy Niu (cow) Year

My journey back from Tambunan to KK's international airport took about 90mins. But in that one and a half hour journey, I saw a good part of Sabah. Not all of it, just a good part of it - passing and stopping by small villages, little churches, pady fields, winding up and down mountains, etc.

I decided to use this image today because it's the Chinese Lunar New Year's Eve today. Tomorrow, we usher in the year of the Ox. The ox or water buffalo (in Vietnamese zodiac), through fortitude and hardwork, is a symbol of prosperity. The water buffaloes I passed by were probably preparing their year of hardwork. They were on their annual break from the nearby pady fields grazing the greens and were free to roam, including where the main road is. Good to know at this day in age, drivers still slow down for obstructing animals. :O)

Definitely a reminder for me to go slow, visit other pastures and rest my body. During the next couple of days of break, I plan to do just that.

Wishing all lotsa red packets to collect!

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Sabah: Special delivery

Totally unheard of in the Nabawan region of Sabah and it was probably the topic of conversation for most of these boarding students with their other fellow schoolmates the following morning. A generous donor sponsored a Christmas party for the 80 children in the Asrama. But since they were home for the holidays, Bro Ekbertus used the money to buy KFC (the week before) and pizza for all 80! For the most of them, it was their first time trying these forms of fastfood. The closest they ever got to it was about 5m from the television screen.

Since there are no such reataurants in Nabawan, Bro Ekbertus and I transported 40 large-size pizzas all the way from Kota Kinabalu - about a three hours away! It even took the restaurant about 2 hours to prepare the order. The closest fastfood chain from Nabawan is in Keningau, about a 70min journey away. You can just imagine the smiles on their faces that evening for dinner. :O)

Monday, January 19, 2009

Serene Sabah

I'm back! It's been a short but peaceful trip. The three places I visited are Kota Kinabalu (KK to the locals), Nabawan and Tambunan. The la Salle Brothers have set up schools and boarding houses (known as Asrama) in these three areas catering to the needs of the students in those areas. Most of the students whose homes are far, far away from their schools (some as far as a 6 hour journey), live in the asrama to cut down on travel time.

As I sort out the images for the blog over the next few days... enjoy the spectacular view of Mount Kinabalu! :O)

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Travel: Sabah

Today I leave for Sabah, East Malaysia for an assignment. It for a la Salle Brothers recruitment project that I have been working on. Although famed for its lush scenic national parks and mountain trekking, my itinerary will make three pit stops from Kota Kinabalu to Nabawan, to document footage for a mini documentary that I am working on for the Brothers. Will be back on Saturday.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

YFP09 begins!

The journey of 25 weeks for some 20 youths (17 - 21yrs) at Holy Family Church (Singapore) begins this evening. The Youth Formation Programme is a holistic programme training youth in three distinct areas: 1) Discipleship (scripture, prayer life), 2) Leadership and Community life. I am so looking forward to guiding them in the area of Scripture. It's been a adventurous journey so far in the last few months reading and researching. The greatest part is to know that I am journeying with God - it is He who provides ALL the financial needs and educational materials.

Since the church is using Year B in the Liturgy, the Gospel of Mark will walk us through the first half of the sessions. The second will be focused on Acts - the spreading of the Kingdom. It will be apt too since the youth will be gearing themselves to serve in all sorts of ways in church and since the Church celebrates the Jubilee year of St Paul (2000 years after his birth)!

This evening begins with week zero... and I am using the opportunity to first introduce to them The Story - Salvation History. It was the first bible class I took last July in a long time and it's been one fantastic journey since! NO looking back.

St Mark, St Paul pray for us!

Sunday, January 4, 2009

33 - the age he died for me

On the Feast of the Epiphany, when the church celebrates the birth of Jesus to the world, I celebrate my birthday during a retreat at St Theresa's church. Finally, I am at the age when Jesus died. Being the exact same age helps much more while visualizing. What will I die to that will allow me to live more freely this year?

Thank you, God, for this beautiful morning! A day of vocation affirmation, a day of good friends, a year lived!

St Elizabeth Ann Seton & St Mark, pray for me.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

300 dpi (dots per inch)

Hello 2009!
Today, the church celebrates the feast of Mary, our heavenly Mother. And we ask her for continued intercessions and consecrate our lives to her, that she will continue to point us towards her son Jesus, especially when we loose our way.

Here are a couple of targets I have set to live out this year...

I have been reading a lot to nourish and expand my knowledge from July last year, and I pray for the spirit to keep thirsting. The greatest part is, the more I read, the more I want to know... addictive. The Youth Formation Programme I'm running this year has given me reason too come in close contact with Scripture. How apt! :O)

Youth Formation Programme:
I spent nearly $600 on religious education materials yesterday. It's quite a sum, but I'm so sure it will go very, very far. Now, it's finding the time to go thru' the items for delivery... ;p Mark, Acts, and Salvation History... here I come! Prayers please!! (God will provide!)

Imaginative Factory:
Apart from reeling in clients to pay bills, I plan to heavily focus on my illustration skills. Hopefully, by the end of the year, I would have come up with my first Children's Illustration book.

My first excursion out of the country will be to Sabah, West Malaysia. About 2 hours away from its capital, Kota Kinabalu, lies the region of Nabawan. My project with the la Salle Brothers is sending me to document the work there as part of a mini documentary I'm doing for them. Estimated dates: mid- Jan.