Finally, I'm done with my first 20 weeks. Our assessment ended yesterday and I would like to share this animation from one of my presentation piece with you all.
The flour sack, no doubt simple in design, but it takes a tremendous effort to animate, especially if you are doing it the first time. Timing is key and coupled with comedy, can bring bring about a smile or even laughter in someone feeling down.
I was just sharing with Philip Garcia, my animation instructor, how I used to get really inspired watching Disney movies in the 90s, and would pause the videos to draw out the scenes. Back then, or even when I was older enough to be in college, holding a job as an animator was simply far fetched. Imagine this conversation in Singapore, "What do you want to do when you grow up?"
"Draw cartoons and make people laugh" would be the reply that might cause people to wonder if I am certified crazy. Would have loved to have Philip continue to teach us advanced animation, but that's not going to happen because he is leaving the school. At least, he taught me and that alone is something I can proud of. :O)