Saturday, December 24, 2011
Happy Holidays!
Wednesday, December 21, 2011
On my flight back, I made friends with a couple of travellers, and many were asking if the government sponsored my three month stint. This immediately told me that what I just did in the last 90 days was incomprehensible! Many commended that I was brave. My quick reply to that, "... you mean suicidal?"
So what is my take home?
To be very very good at my craft, I have to be immersed in the right place. And the right place at this point in my life seems to be LA. I love living in Singapore, it's just that, this is not the place to breed artists... at this point. Maybe later, but no, not now at this point in time. So you get the drift. I need to live in California. I need to spend some time there to hone my skills. And in order to do that, I need a job there to be able to sustain me.
Enough said. Time to put some words into action.
In the meantime, happy holidays!! :D
Friday, December 2, 2011
I used the time in the morning to do a little R&D. It is not everyday that you get a close to apocalyptic look in your town! Last evening's strong winds are the result of some high and low pressure activity near the Las Vegas area as reported by KTLA.
How bad was it? The damages can be seen clearly in the photo montage above. Schools are closed, a huge tree branch fell right through my neighbour's roof, and we're all preparing for round two... tonight!
Thursday, November 24, 2011
A Bird's Eye View
Thinking it'd take about 40 mins to get to the top, I made frequent pit stops to admire the view behind me and whipped up a really quick sketch when I could. The path was narrow, so I had to be mindful of other travellers. I bumped into Patrick on the way up and he said it'd probably be another hour plus. So I kept going minus the sketching. An hour passed, and I was still walking, wondering how long more I'd take. I had no GPS, no map, I was alone, no watch to keep track of time, and furthermore... it was a school day! :D
As I inched upwards, I could almost see more dirt track ahead of me. That kept me going. I was reflecting on this and it kind of became a metaphor for my current journey towards Imagineering. I had no idea what was up there, but I enjoyed the journey with so much to see especially from a higher elevation. I met fellow trekkers on the way that reminded me that there are others on the journey.
90 minutes and still no sign of the top. I wondered to myself a lot... How much longer? And like life, there were so many distractions: Will I be back in time to do some work before class later? Will I have enough water left? Will I have enough time to go buy groceries for the Thanksgiving dinners (yes... two) I'm preparing tomorrow? What if a deer jumped out of no where and starts charging at me? Or if a snake slid up and nit me? All these thoughts on top of the fact that it was getting hotter.
I decided to ask the next trekker how much farther. I got my answer 10 minutes later, "You're pretty close... 10 maybe 15 minutes," she says. With that sudden burst of energy, I realised I was climbing faster. Also the width of the route became tighter and steeper. This always happens when I'm just around the bend of something awesome.
20 minutes passed. 25.... still no sign of the summit. The air was getting thinner, my pulse heavier, my water bottle - two gulps lefts. This was when I told myself. Forget school, forget the work, I'm right around something really awesome!
Just then, I saw something industrial in the midst of the organic shapes ahead of me. It was a sign!! And just further up more, the peak of Echo Point. I saw a trail of rusted metal chunks from the former Mount Lowe Railway leading up to Echo Point House. Only the foundation is left, due to the 1938 floods! This is where I believe many would have gone, "That's it?"
But for me, I pictured a revitalised turn of the century amusement park with the old tram and cable car system running. I hear an echoey audio of the old style amusement park soundtrack and rides with children screaming cheerfully. Also there are eateries and games stalls for the happy families that come up here to take a break.
Just then, two trekkers that had just arrived the top asked me if I knew the directions to another higher altitude. Of of them pointed to the higher plains and said, "Over there, you get better bird's eye views." Not surprising that it's named Inspiration Point.
On my way down, my mind was occupied trying to build this fun getaway. It was then I got my answer - keep moving forward especially when things seem to be going against your flow, you'll never know what's around the bend and it's a good way to check what you really want and have passion for. :D
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
Last but not least...

Thursday, November 10, 2011
Whaaaa - taaaaahh!!!

It's been 52 days.
Monday, November 7, 2011
Trader Joe's

Wednesday, November 2, 2011
All Hallow's Eve

So Halloween night came and went. I had classes the entire day: from 9am to 10pm. The only thing close to a halloween ritual I did was probably to buy the above skull... muah ha ha ha... I just hope I don't get issues with security at the airport next month.
Friday, October 28, 2011
Live from the L.A. Zoo

Thursday, October 27, 2011
The Norton Simon

Monday's painting class became a field trip to Pasadena's Norton Simon Museum (it's only five mins from where I live! :D) It is probably the most informative museum visit I have ever had. And the best part was that Karl got us in for free.
We started outside with Rodin's most famous piece Les Bourgeois de Calais. I never knew how animated this piece of artwork is until now. Moving on into the museum, we covered 14th - 17th century art, 18th - 19th century, and then finally to modern art. It was interested how some of the pieces in the modern art section were created by Karl's friends.
Take home: Every famous artist from Degas to Picasso, from Mondrian to Sargent, all went through lots of pain, either that or they were kicked out from convention to break out from what everyone else was doing. They took the risk. But before all of that happened, ALL of them understood the classical and traditional way of doing things... yes, even Mondrian. If you don't understand what's traditional, what are you going to break away from? Here's an example: We're all familiar with Picasso's style. But if we go way back, we'll see that he came from a traditional art background. Here is an image of his work when he was a student at 15 years old. Enough said.
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
Gouache Rocks

Friday, October 21, 2011
Blairing out colourfully

Monday, October 17, 2011
A Day in the Life...

Thursday, October 13, 2011
Check out that Vinyl
Monday, October 10, 2011
Baby steps

Thursday, October 6, 2011
Yo-ho Yo-ho...

Tuesday, October 4, 2011
FIgure Drawing 101
Friday, September 30, 2011

A Pink Evening

Wednesday, September 28, 2011
Just Pas-sing by...

Friday, September 2, 2011
Taking En Plein Air to greater heights!
It's been awhile... why with all work going on for my final year project and other ongoing projects... But I'm back, after a retreat away from Singapore. It is definitely refreshing!
School is done officially at Eggstory. In fact, the school's not even called Eggstory any more. Grad Show falls on Sept 9. And the strange thing is that I am not focused on that all. :O) I have already begun serving out my year long bond with Imaginative!
I'd like to begin this new phase in my life with this clip. In a way, it is a metaphor for my life - Do what you love even though what you do may not make sense (cents) to many, but it is in this uncertainty that will take you by surprise and take you to places you wouldn't have imagined! :D
Sunday, June 26, 2011
Two extra weeks
Okai. Latest in the news... we're getting two extra weeks to complete our project. SO end date of school is now pushed to 29 July 2011. I'm seeing this as a blessing because of the last month or so that had its set of extra activities like my sister's wedding. The prep and post alone took up quite a bit of time, but it was well worth it! :O)
Friday, May 27, 2011
Focus... I am Speed

Monday, May 9, 2011
Drawn to this

Sunday, May 1, 2011
Last Leg

Friday, March 4, 2011
Old Town Coffee

I was at Amoy Street yesterday during some research on the buildings there for my theme park design, and popped into the famous hawker centre there for breakfast. Strange, but the coffee I had tasted a little salty...
Monday, February 28, 2011
The Beginning of The Last

Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Rest is Good

Wednesday, February 16, 2011
The Grass is Looking Green

Thursday, January 27, 2011
Fried Egg

Today was the last day at Egg Story. On Monday (31 Jan), I continue the rest of the journey at Fusionopolis at whatever the new name of the school is. Having the new school at Bouna Vista has its pros and cons. The biggest obstacle will be travel time. Technically, if I take the Mass Rapid Transit (MRT), it'll take a really long time on the Circle Line to get to school. That's not a good use of time each day. Otherwise, I should be looking forward to finishing school in my last Semester which begins late February. I definitely looking forward to toilet doors with actual handles on them.
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
Occlusion Ambient

This is my first occlusion ambient pass on Maya. By the way, if you had just click the link on the left, you will know that Maya is the sanskrit word for Hindu concept of Illusion. Yes, I am back at it again (dunno whether to sigh or smile). My matte painting class also needs Maya for the last project. Maybe it's for the better. It's always good to have another set of skills, but this Maya you are talking about. I've always wanted to render my 3D models to this point, but we were never taught how to in year one. Calvin says rendering OAs can fry one's computer.
Friday, January 21, 2011
Tangerine in the Sky

Thursday, January 20, 2011
Land scouting

I went to Jewel Box at Mount Faber one morning to do some land scouting for the theme park design. And most likely, it's going to be on that strip right on the horizon. Area blocking for the various lands have been nailed down. All it needs now is to be populated with attractions. So far, the four lands I have allocated to this island park are Adventure Land, Mermaid Lagoon, Old Town and Port Discovery.
Monday, January 10, 2011
It's new - 2011!