Saturday, February 20, 2010

What is Evil?

This is a current piece that I am working on. Just finished with the bust. Will start work on the full bodied pose really soon. My theme is Evil. To many different people, evil comes in many different forms. But for my project, I have chosen the subject of Man's greed being the cause of evil in this world - global warming, famine, abuse, war, etc.

Monday, February 15, 2010

Beginning With A Big Bang

The Chinese Lunar New Year began a minute earlier yesterday and the noisiest part of the island probably came from the Marina District with a four to five minute display of colourful fireworks.

Also in from the U.S. is a prize cheque. More details here.

Friday, February 12, 2010

A New Case

The buttons on my mobile decided to pop again. This is the second time I am changing the casing. It's been 2.5 years since I last changed it. It was really strange that I had to use a pen to press certain buttons, almost like using a stylus.

In other news, my school doesn't allow students to self-swap classes. An email titled "Self-declared Make-up Class = Absent" was sent out yesterday.

I am from Cohort 6A. I had an urgent appointment to handle yesterday and had to use the afternoon to tackle it. So I went for the morning class (Cohort 6B). Of out courtesy, I asked the school if I could swap, and "NO" was their immediate reply, saying that WDA or MOE might spot check on the school. It wasn't that I was trying to ditch class or that I was hopping over into another Cohort's class. (Same cohort, morning session.) And so what if WDA or MOE decides to spot check on the school? Is it illegal to swap classes?

I know that Education is a privilege. In its purest form, it allows one to better improve skills and knowledge. I am further planning to swap classes so that I can go for Cohort 7's figure drawing classes. How can a school deny me of that? I remembered that studying in the U.S. was NOT like that at all. With an eager desire to learn, instructors and the school authority would make things happen whenever there's an obstacle.

Would love to hear your views! Email, comment or tag. Happy Chinese Lunar New Year and Presidents' Day Weekend!

Wednesday, February 3, 2010


I began reading a book today titled "The Presentation Secrets of Steve Jobs" that I had accidentally bumped into at the airport the other day. I love doing presentations and so far halfway chewing into this book, I have been affirmed of some of the things I have doing in my keynotes. Also learning and picking up techniques that are new to me. What's great is that the book focuses basically on Apple products which you would know by now how big a fan of the tools I am of theirs. This makes reading it a breeze. wheeeee...