image from 112 Katong Facebook Page
WOW! Three months gone and so many changes in this little red dot! Just Katong alone has 112 Katong, Tides @217, the Jago Close Coffee Shop revamp, and the Santa Grand Hotel is now opened! Amazing work within such a small area! Either that, or three months away has been long.
On my flight back, I made friends with a couple of travellers, and many were asking if the government sponsored my three month stint. This immediately told me that what I just did in the last 90 days was incomprehensible! Many commended that I was brave. My quick reply to that, "... you mean suicidal?"
So what is my take home?
To be very very good at my craft, I have to be immersed in the right place. And the right place at this point in my life seems to be LA. I love living in Singapore, it's just that, this is not the place to breed artists... at this point. Maybe later, but no, not now at this point in time. So you get the drift. I need to live in California. I need to spend some time there to hone my skills. And in order to do that, I need a job there to be able to sustain me.
Enough said. Time to put some words into action.
In the meantime, happy holidays!! :D