Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Road Trip

On April 1st, a team of catechists invited me to join them for a road trip to Malacca. I prepared a short tour and two movie screenings, Chocolat and Stolen Summer to engage them in a Lenten reflection but guess what? The Video player didn't accept code 1 DVDs! What a shame... another time perhaps.

The day was hot but fluffy white clouds accompanied our brief tour of the old town. Our first pit stop was to St Francis Xavier Church and to our surprise, the kind sacristan opened up the museum at our request which houses the relics of St Francis Xavier. Other items on the menu - Chicken Rice Balls and Durian Cendol. Yum, yum!

Something to note: Wednesdays seem like off days in Malacca. Can someone verify this? Many stalls and shops are closed. The town seems to have more things going on in the evenings.

More images here: http://imaginativedarkroom.blogspot.com/2009/04/malacca.html
and http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=86098&id=657646335.

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